What is GORD?
GORD, is a digestive disease characterised by chronic acid reflux, which occurs when stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus. This can result in inflammation and damage to distal oesophagus and/or stomach.
What are common symptoms of GORD?
Heartburn, acid regurgitation, nausea & vomiting, belching, epigastric pain
What us the treatment of GORD?
This can include lifestyle changes, medication, & occasionally surgical intervention.
Simple lifestyle strategies that can help include:
Avoid lying down/going to bed at least 2 hours after eating
Opt for small, frequent meals in place large meals
Avoid wearing clothes that are tight around the waist
Limit ‘trigger’ foods i.e caffeine, alcohol, fried food, citrus fruits, peppermint, chocolate, chilli, tomato products
Diet plays a key role in the management of this conditions, at at times food intolerances such as FODMAPs and Food Chemical Sensitivities can be tiggers. Ensure you see a specialist gastrointestinal dietitian for individualised advice.
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