Dietetic Gut Clinic
Once you have been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, your GP or Gastroenterologist may advise you to see a Gastrointestinal Dietitian at the Dietetic Gut Clinic. Management of Crohn's Disease is one of the services our team has been offering to patients in Perth since the launch of our Gut Clinic in Nedlands and Murdoch.
Crohn's Disease Diet
What is Crohn's Disease?
Crohn's Disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, and can involve the full thickness of the bowel wall, characterised by periods of flares and remissions. The cause of Crohn’s Disease is still unknown; however the environment, genes and the gut bacteria are thought to be involved.

Crohn's Disease Diagnosis
How is Crohn's Disease diagnosed?
Diagnosis for Crohn's Disease is by a Gastroenterologist and may include a range of blood tests, colonoscopy, endoscopy, imaging studies such as barium x-rays and abdominal CT, stool cultures and sigmoidoscopy.
Crohn's Disease Diet Murdoch and Nedlands
How can a IBD Dietitian help you?
Diet plays a key role in the management of Crohn's Disease. Some Crohn's Disease Diet interventions considered may include:
Change in dietary intake to meet nutrient requirements (energy, protein)
Prevention and management of mineral and vitamin deficiency & supplementation
Modified fibre diet (active or in remission)
Specialised diets: Exclusive Enteral Nutrition (EEN) and Crohn's Disease Exclusion Diet (CDED) in management of flares to reduce inflammation
Elimination Diet (Low FODMAP diet) in managing functional symptoms (in remission)
Modified diet to optimise gut health

Exclusive Enteral Nutrition for Crohns Disease
EEN is a treatment option for patients with Crohn’s Disease. EEN aims to get your disease into remission or to reduce the inflammation in your gut before surgery. EEN is safe and for some people it may be a good alternative to medications such as steroids. EEN may work by changing the mix of bacteria that live in the gut, by directly reducing inflammation, by removing specific components of food and/or by giving the gut a chance to heal while providing balanced nutrition. It involves replacing all food with specialised nutrition drinks. These drinks provide all the energy, protein, vitamins and minerals you need and are available in a number of different flavours. You will usually be asked to follow this program for 6-8 weeks.
Take a read of our blog post on how some of our patients achieved remission of their Crohn’s Disease with The Exclusive Enteral Nutrition (EEN).
Crohns Disease Exclusion Diet
The CDED is a dietary therapy that has been demonstrated to decrease inflammation and induce remission in Crohn's disease. The diet is thought to help by removing foods that may change the bacteria in your gut and promote inflammation, while increasing other foods that provide fibre and resistant starch which help to reduce inflammation. It is a structured diet that allows specific foods along with a liquid nutritional formula (Partial Enteral Nutrition).
The Low FODMAP Diet and Crohns Disease
The low FODMAP diet is an evidence based dietary strategy to successfully manage of functional symptoms when your CD is in remission. FODMAP is an acronym for Fermentable Oligo-, Di, Mono-saccharides And Polyols. It is considered to be a second-line dietary strategy after assessment and management of dietary and lifestyle factors that may contribute to symptoms.
The low FODMAP diet involves collective restriction of a group of short-chain carbohydrates that have been shown to increase small intestinal water volume and be rapidly fermented in the large intestine, leading to increased gas (e.g. hydrogen) production and gastrointestinal symptoms (i.e. pain, bloating, distension, flatulence, nausea and altered bowel motility).
The low FODMAPs diet is a dietitian-taught program to ensure nutritional intake adequacy despite food restrictions. The long-term restriction of FODMAPs is not recommended. Structured reintroduction of FODMAPs is recommended after two to six weeks to identify which FODMAPs you are sensitive to, your level of tolerance to each individual high FODMAP foods, and optimise food variety and self-management long term.​
Dietetic Gut Clinic
Why Dietetic Gut Clinic for Crohn's Disease?
The Dietetic Gut Clinic is a Perth based private practice with special focus on diet and gastrointestinal health and disease.
We believe that Crohn's Disease is best managed by gastrointestinal dietitian with an interest in that field.
At Dietetic Gut Clinic our mission is to empower and support our patients, to take charge of their digestive condition and health in order to optimise their quality of life.
We have clinics both north and south of the river which means that we are able to accommodate patients across the Perth metropolitan area, in addition to also providing Telehealth services.
Our specialised Crohn's Disease Program, is a Comprehensive personalised program, designed by our Gut Health Dietitian which includes specialised Crohn's Disease content, meal plan and recipes designed to optimise the management of your condition.

You may be eligible for a Medicare rebate for your dietary consultation. In order to receive a Medicare rebate, you must obtain a care plan from your GP. Medicare rebates can be processed in our office at the time of your consultation. Out of pocket expenses apply for dietitian consultations.