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Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs)

What are Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs)?

FGIDs, also know as disorders of the gut-brain interaction. Cause is often quite complex but can include:

  • Bidirectional dysregulation of gut–brain interaction (over-communication)

  • Microbial dysbiosis within the gut (imbalance of good/bad bacteria)

  • Altered mucosal immune function

  • Visceral hypersensitivity (nerves in the gut are over sensitive causing an exaggeration of symptoms experienced)

  • Abnormal gastrointestinal motility (slow or fast gut transit)

FGIDs: Disorders of Gut–Brain Interaction

  • Bowel Disorders (i.e Irritable bowel syndrome, functional constipation, functional diarrhea).

  • Esophageal Disorders (i.e functional heartburn, Reflux hypersensitivity)

  • Gastroduodenal Disorders (i.e Belching disorders, nausea)

  • Anorectal Disorders (i.e functional defecation disorders, fecal incontinence)

Diet and FGIDs

  • Diet plays a key role in the management of FGIDs.

  • Numerous studies shown that a low FODMAP diet improves overall functional symptoms experienced with FGIDs

  • Improvement in symptom severity and quality of life

  • Observational studies, comparative studies & randomised controlled trials (RCTs).

  • A trial of the Low FODMAP elimination diet for 2-6 weeks can be done to identify if FODMAPs are contributing to your symptoms. For most effective results ensure you see a specialist gastrointestinal dietitian.

If you have been diagnosed with a FGID get in contact with us here at Dietetic Gut Clinic to see one of our specialist gastrointestinal dietitians.


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